Black Men’s Minds screening and discussion
Hosted by Bethlem Gallery and the Maudsley Cultural Psychiatry Group with Stephen Rudder
Thursday 5th May 2022
Online (Zoom)
Please join us for a special online screening of Black Men’s Minds by artist and psychotherapist Stephen Rudder. As a stream-of-conscious exploration of masculinity, power and culture through lived experience, Black Men’s Minds interweaves spoken word, original footage, and found and archival imagery with a sound score developed from the frequencies of psychotropic medications.
We will be screening an online version of the work that lasts 16 minutes before holding a discussion between the artist and members of the Maudsley Cultural Psychiatry Group: Dr Allison Edwards, researcher Kevin Ariyo and Dr Preety Das with a chance for questions and conversation.
All are welcome. Registration for free tickets available below.
Black Men’s Minds is showing at Bethlem Gallery from 27th April to 7th May.