Salon 13 ‘The Fragile Community’
Saturday 31 October 2020 2-3pm
Join us online to discuss the potential role of museums and galleries post-lockdown.
How should we respond to The New Fragile?
The pandemic has made us painfully aware of our individual and collective fragility. Cultural organisations have expanded their remit in response, providing free meals, isolation packs and mobile phones to their communities – activities that go far beyond the traditional functions of collecting and showing art.
Join artists, cultural and health professionals to discuss the potential role of museums and galleries post-lockdown. How do we/should we sustain our communities once the emergency is over?
Speakers include Daniel Regan, photographic artist and Artistic Director working across multiple leadership roles in the arts and health sector, and Shamita Sharmacharja, Curator of Temporary Exhibitions at the Wellcome Trust.
This online event is free, but booking is essential. Book here.
This event is connected to our current exhibition Welcome to the New Fragile, 23 September – 7 November 2020. To visit the exhibition you can join a free full tour of the Museum and Gallery, bookable online. Alternatively you can email to arrange a visit to the exhibition only.