Examples of mark making by Beth Hopkins
Liz Atkin’s concertina books
Jane’s book in a zine format
Deborah's book in a zine format
A zine book by Beth Hopkins

Artist Books

Bethlem Gallery works with artists in different ways to support professional development. During the pandemic this has meant running online sessions. We tried out a short course format, inviting pairs of artists to devise and run a short course for fellow artists connected to Bethlem Gallery. In Winter 2020, Artists Beth Hopkins and Liz Atkin collaborated on running a short course  focusing on artist books. Participants were sent a pack of white and black card, charcoal, posca pens, and ink.

Over the course, we made books in the format of a zine, concertina, and accordion. However it is worth noting that these formats all have more than one name and different makers call them different things! We played with mark making in different styles and forms, experimenting with continuous writing, ripped paper, charcoal and painting with ink. We explored different ways of depicting a journey.


A zine book by Beth Hopkins

The processes demanded that we work very freely – for many it was a new way of working. It challenged us, encouraged us to connect, and we learnt a lot along the way. It brightened up the winter lockdown. Many thanks to the artists who took part, to Beth Hopkins and Liz Atkin.

This series of workshops was generously funded by the Baring Foundation.

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